7 kidney stone diet tips for prevention
Kidney stones create discomfort in a person life. Due to these stones, sometimes they are not even able to engage in activities seamlessly. By keeping the same in mind, they get in touch with kidney stone specialists in Jaipur for treatment. Along with the treatment, the doctor suggests them a particular diet as well.
By keeping the diet for kidney stone patients into consideration, here we are discussing the diet tips for preventing it.
Kidney stone diet tips:-
Fluid intake:
A person needs to increase fluid intake. Those who had something with kidney stones must drink 12–16 cups of water per day. Increasing fluid intake will keep the urine colourless and odourless. It is on the patient whether they want to include plain water or want some other liquid that prevents kidney stone formation.
Calcium-rich diet:
People have thought for preventing kidney stones, they need to cut calcium from their diet. But this is not the truth. The stones immediately calcium oxalates stone, and when a person is consuming a low calcium diet, the chance of stone development increases. Include the diet that appears to be the natural source of non-oxalate calcium. Make sure not to take calcium supplements.
Low salt diet:
A low salt diet is also an integral factor to prevent kidney stone formation. The high level of sodium in the system rises to improve calcium levels, and citrate in urine will decrease. This improvement and decrement lead to stone formation.
Cut on to oxalate-rich foods:
Calcium oxalate-rich foods are not a suitable choice for people susceptible to kidney stones. The oxalate builds up calcium in urine, and kidney stone formation chances increase. Make sure to reduce all those foods which are rich in oxalate.
Limit intake of meat:
High meat consumption leads to increased uric acid of the late concentration and calcium in the urine. It leads to stone formation. A person can include meat in their diet but only 6 to 8 oz per day.
Choose protein carefully:
Choosing a protein sometimes can be a difficult task because all of them are not equal. Animal protein is more acidic as compared to other types of protein. If a person is including animal protein, there will be an increase in urine acid, and uric acid stone formation will take place. In some cases, calcium oxalate kidney stones may also be formed. For preventing the same vegetarian, protein sources are best to consider.
Increase consumption of citrus fruit and juices:
Increasing the consumption of citrus fruits and juices will be the right option. These are responsible for inhibiting the stone formation by binding to calcium. As a result, it will not bind with oxalate and form stones. A person can include natural resources like lemon grapefruits and oranges in their diet to fulfil the requirement of Vitamin C in their body.
Following are the tips a person need to keep in mind to prevent kidney stone formation. Get in touch with a Urologist in Jaipur as soon as possible and get the treatment you are facing any trouble. Dr. Lokesh Sharma is the best urologist with whom you can contact for the treatment. He will help you to understand the complete diet chart, and in case there is any other solution required, he will suggest you for the same.